Around mile 175 of his first 200-mile ultramarathon, Dan Brostek said he entered a dreamlike state. “I could not tell anymore whether I was awake or sleeping,” Brostek, 43, recalled with a laugh. “My initial reaction was, ‘This is kind of cool.’” Brostek survived the surreal remainder of the Tahoe 200, which navigated trails and…

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Dissecting Failure

Failure: Diving Deeper Than Just Lacrosse X’s and O’s As a high school coach, I often ask myself the same basic question after every loss, “Why did we fail?” Your choice of words may be a bit different, and probably more colorful, but we are all searching for the answer to this age-old question. Our…

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Character Strengths and Virtues

This year I intend to spend a lot of time with our coaching staff, parents and players talking about Character. Thanks to my friends at the Positivity Project (Mike Erwin and Jeff Bryan), for loaning me some great materials about Character Strengths that I intend to incorporate into our coaching philosophy and training approach. For those…

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