Around mile 175 of his first 200-mile ultramarathon, Dan Brostek said he entered a dreamlike state.

“I could not tell anymore whether I was awake or sleeping,” Brostek, 43, recalled with a laugh. “My initial reaction was, ‘This is kind of cool.’”

Brostek survived the surreal remainder of the Tahoe 200, which navigated trails and peaks around Lake Tahoe in California and Nevada over 3½ days earlier this month.

The 205-mile race was emblematic of Brostek’s determination. Entering his third year as the boys lacrosse coach at Bend High School, he chose to do it because he wanted to test his physical limits and show his players how to deal with adversity, not to mention raise more than $8,000 for the team’s operating costs on the crowdfunding site GoFundMe.

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