Put in the Work

Winter indoor lax is right around the corner which means it’s time to find your stick, knock off the dust, and start getting some reps. A few months ago I wrote a blog post (Between Rope and Iron Lies a Bucket) that focused on putting in the work so I won’t spend too much time on that topic here. Bottom-line, if you want to get better at lacrosse, or anything in life, you need to practice and challenge yourself.

To that point, I want all of our players to download the SNYPR App which is available for iOS and Android. This app allows you to attach your phone to your arm and track your reps by playing catch with a buddy or playing wall ball. The website provides details about how to download the app, create an account, and how to wear your phone to track your reps.


Bend Lacrosse Teams

I created two teams within the SNYPR platform so we can track all of your reps by team. Once you join the team you will be able to track your own reps and see where you stand on the Leaderboard. Here are the details for the two teams:

  • Bend Lacrosse – High School: I created this team for anyone in Grades 9 – 12. You can join this team with the Team Code: 43246
  • Bend Lacrosse – Youth: I created this team for anyone in Grades 5 – 8. You can join this team with the Team Code: 70044

Halloween Challenge

Now that we have the teams created, I also launched a Halloween Challenge for both teams that you can join. I want to see all of you knock out at least 5,000 reps (2,500 with your right hand and 2,500 with your left hand) by October 31st. Game on. I will be participating in both Challenges. See if you can beat me.

Let me know if you have any questions.

— Coach Brostek